Thursday, November 13, 2008

We just think we have a schedule!!

Danny and I had a meeting in the capital yesterday. So we came in on Tuesday to do a few errands. We had come through the mountains, on isolated roads, It's about a three hour trip to the city. Danny had dropped me off at Price Smart (our Sams) and was going to run to the Seminary to check out the bookstore. He had just passed Tikal Futura on the main road through Guatemala when the truck stopped. He could barely steer it over to the side of the road and when he got out it was leaking water, a lot of water. We are praising the Lord we did not break down on the way here, as Glen said we are glad it was here and not out in the boonies!! Thank goodness for friends. We called Glen S. He came to the rescue with a mechanic, picked me up from price smart and then we went to check on Danny. It turned out to be the water pump and a belt!! We could not find the parts to the truck here in Guatemala but Praise the Lord one of our missionaries is in the states and coming back Friday afternoon and is bringing the part. Thank you so much Bob. We are also thankful to Ken S. who has loaned us his van while we are without it has given us the freedom to get around while we are here. We are ESPECIALLY thankful to the Stewarts for opening their home to all of us(they thought for one night but has turned into at least four). Judy has been an excellent hostess with delicious meals, babysitting the kids and we just had some hot brownies with milk. The Lord is in control and we are enjoying a small break from lake living and deepening friendships here. Last night the Stewarts invited the Connors for dinner, it was great fellowship for the adults and kids too.
We just got word that another missionary Dave Ekstrom is going to stay here at the "Stewart Inn" tonight. Actually we have been wanting to meet with Dave to discuss our ministry and glean from his experience with indigenous groups. Wow God cleared our schedules so we could meet:) Isn't it neat how the Lord works?


Abbey said...

Daoh, you have always been an inspiration to me with what you can put up with, and no mental breakdowns happen! Well,none to blog of at least. :) But y'all have been heavily in my prayers lately. (We we know some of the same peeps, so I sometimes know how to specifically pray when you are unaware.) Life is tough. Especially "lake living" like the Footes are called to do. :)
Know that we love you. We talk about you alot & pray for you often too.
Sounds like the Lord is providing in so many ways. Details are are important when bigger things loom. And we all have them. I love stories of cars breaking down and people like "Bob" (shocker) from America saving the day! It just prooves God wants us to suffer, but know that He's in it & has a purpose.
I love you girl. And all the Feete.
Praying for you as always.
Abbey (and family)

Abbey said...

That should have said, "Daph"(obviously)
Hee hee...