Wow! a lot has happened since the last update letter. Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement. We have really seen the Lords hand in our lives the past few months.
In the last letter I told you about putting the kids in school. After 5 months of school we felt as if they had learned enough Spanish to get by. After it is all said and done it was a good experience but they had their ups and downs in school. Learning the culture the language and meeting new friends, was what we wanted them to accomplish. They will always treasure the memories of that little school.
We got the house we had hoped to get. It is a large house with a great location it is a bit old but we will make do. Please pray for us as we are moving this week-end and should be completely out of the house in Antigua by Monday July 28th.
Serving Him,
Daniel & Daphne Foote